Voiding Dysfunction
Urinary urgency & frequency
Urinary incontinence
Overactive bladder
Fecal incontinence
Enuresis (bedwetting)
Vesicoureteral reflux (backflow of urine into the kidney
Pelvic pain
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction can, unfortunately, occur in children as well. Let’s talk bed wetting, as many parents know this issue is not always considered to be an issue. But, as much as 30% of 4-year-olds experience bed-wetting. This so-called common pediatric issue can have a significant negative quality of life impact on both the children and the caregivers.
Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to bowel, bladder dysfunctions, and pelvic pain. How does this happen, well it can be a result of weakness, overactive, or tight/shortened pelvic floor muscles, affecting the coordination of the pelvic floor muscles during bowel
and bladder and/or the inability of these muscles to coordinate with each other. Thus, resulting in bowel and bladder issues such as constipation, bed wetting, urinary incontinence, and fecal incontinence/staining, just to name a few. As a parent, we want the best for our children, I am here to tell you, you are not alone, there is help. If your child is experiencing any of the following they may benefit from a consult with a pelvic floor occupational therapist:
Signs and Symptoms:
Increased (OAB) or Decreased Urinary Frequency (Hoarding)
Urinary Incontinence (Leaking urine with Giggle, Urge, and/or Activity)
Urinary Urgency (Constant/Strong need to Urinate)
Nocturia (Nighttime Urination)
Enuresis (Bed Wetting)
Constipation/Abdominal Bloating/Discomfort
Diarrhea with or without soiling or staining
Encopresis (Fecal Leakage or Urge) or Fecal Retention
Recurrent Infections
Delayed Potty Training
What does a treatment session look like:
A trained pelvic floor occupational therapist will take the time needed to educate the child as well as his/her parents in diet and behavior modifications. What can treatment look like noninvasive interventions include biofeedback, bladder and bowel retraining, abdominal massage, soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, relaxation techniques, and pelvic floor exercises (if appropriate) to help your child restore normal bowel and bladder function.
Your child is not alone:
Bowel and Bladder problems occur in millions of children and can lead to poor self-esteem, anger, feelings of failure and difference from peers, and embarrassment for the child and parent. PivOTal Performance is there for you and your family. We care about our clients, their goals are our top priority.
Call us today! We offer free phone consultations with a pelvic floor occupational therapist to help you get started with the best program for your child.